
Arduino Compatible Prototype Shield With Mini Breadboard
Connect your prototype circuit to the Arduino easily with this simple to use Arduino shield.It inclu..
Digital Touch Sensor TTP223B Module For Arduino
TTP223 is a touch pad detector IC which offers 1 touch key. The touching detection IC is desi..
0.91'' OLED LCD 128x32 Display Module
This display is small, only about 1" diagonal, but very readable due to the high contrast of an OLED..
1 Relay Module(AC250V 10A DC30V 10A)
Easy to connect RF / Bluetooth wireless interface supports XBee / BTBee, nRFL2401, CC1101 wireless m..
10Kg Scale Load Cell Weight Weighing Sensor +HX711 AD Module
This straight bar load cell (sometimes called a strain gauge) can translate up to 10kg of pressure (..
12A DC-DC 5-40V To 1.2-36V Step-Down Buck Power Supply Module Adjustable
Converter Buck Modules' Two large aluminum heat sinks ensure a better heat dissipation and more..
12V Thermoelectric Peltier Refrigeration Cooling System Kit
The structure of thermoelectric modules is generally described as elements of n and p type thermoele..
150W DC/DC Booster 10-32V to 12-35V Power Supply Module
This versatile DC-DC boost power supply/converter module steps up any input voltage from 10V to 32V ..