This is keyestudio sensor learning kit. We bring together 37 basic sensors and modules, aiming for the convenient learning for starters. Inside this box, there are digital and analog sensors and also some special modules such as ultrasonic, Bluetooth, acceleration module,etc.
For each module, there is clear connection diagram and sample code. So even if you are totally new at this, you can get started easily.The sample codes for this sensor kit are based on ARDUINO because it's open source and easy to use. If you are good at this, you can also apply this kit to other MCU development platforms, such as 51, STM32, Raspberries Pi. The working principle is pretty much the same.
Components list
- SMD 3 Colour RGB Module
- 3 Colour RGB Module
- Temperature Sensor Module
- Button Module
- Photoresistor LDR Module
- IR Receiver Module
- Obstacle Avoid Sensor Module
- Adjustable Sound Detection Sensor Module
- Reed Switch Sensor Module
- Flame Sensor Module
- Digital Temperature Sensor Module
- Small Mic Sound Sensor Module
- Analog Hall Sensor Module
- Heartbeat Sensor Module
- Laser Emit Diode Module
- Mini Reed Sensor Module
- IR Emission Module
- Light Biocking Sensor Module
- Analog Temperature Sensor Module
- 7Colour Flash Module
- Light Cup Module x2
- Ball Switch Sensor Module
- Tap Sensor Module
- Hall Mignetic Sensor Module
- DHT11 Temperature & Humidity Sensor Module
- Tilt Switch Module
- Passive Buzzer Module
- TWO-Colour LED Module
- Shock Module
- Buzzer Module
- Rotary Rotation Sensor Module
- Line Tracking Sensor Module
- Relay Module
- Joystick Sensor Module + Joystick Cap
- Linear Hall Sensor Module
- Touch Sensor Module
- Components Box
37 in 1 Sensor Kit for Arduino
- Product Code: Arduino UNO R3
- Availability: In Stock
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